About me
Hi there and thanks for visiting my blog. I am an avid traveller, cyclist and hiker. I have always been enthusiastic about travelling since I was young; however, I decided to venture fully as a nature tourist in 2014. I have travelled all around America in a 30 day journey where I got to see some of the best sights and nature trails that this country has to offer. I have also been able to visit destinations in other countries as well.
Why nature and wildlife?
I’m sure you want to know why I decided to become a full nature tourist especially at this age and time. First of all, nature is beautiful. Anyone who has been on an expedition can write a whole book on the wonders of nature and how ecosystems in the natural environment can run seamlessly without any interruption as if everything was planned. I believe as human beings we can borrow a leaf or two as to how ecosystems work (figuratively, we don’t want to disturb the ecosystem balance).
There is also the other aspect of freelancing. With the internet opening up doors of working from anywhere, I took up the opportunity of changing my type of work to fit my travels. I can be able to work from anywhere through freelancing and still enjoy nature at the same time. Of course, not everyone can enjoy my freedom from their workplace; however, given how connected the world is nowadays I believe freelancing is the way to go (but that is a topic for another day).
Blue Ridge Parkway and me
In as much as I’ve travelled to many nature destinations, Blue ridge Parkway has a special place in my heart. First of all, if you have never gone to Blue Ridge Parkway I would advise you to visit it as soon as you can. America has a unique nature haven right under its nose that has been in existence for a very long time. There are numerous types of flora and fauna that flourish here and a multitude of trails and camping sites that you can enjoy. Of much importance however is the wildlife that exists and flourishes here. If you are lucky enough during a visit, you may get to sight a bear. However, it is illegal to interact with the wildlife, especially bears, as it can be dangerous for both parties (yes, as funny as it sounds, the bear can also get hurt in the process).
I always visit Blue Ridge Parkway whenever I’m in the vicinity and every time seems like the very first time. This site is all about my visits to this nature haven. It gives insights as to the best times to visit the park, the interesting stuff you can do while on a visit here and tips on a more enjoyable visit. The internet is awash with many sites promoting tourism in other countries; however, I decided to show people just how much America has to offer when it comes to nature tourism. This site is dedicated to all the travellers out there. Happy travelling!

Hi there and thanks for visiting my blog. I am an avid traveller, cyclist and hiker. I have always been enthusiastic about travelling since I was young; however, I decided to venture fully as a nature tourist in 2014.
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